Renata Braga
Relacões Internacionais
Bacharel em Relações Internacionais (USP) e mestra em Economia Política Mundial (UFABC). Tem larga experiência na formulação, gestão e monitoramento de políticas e projetos de desenvolvimento social. Atua há mais de 7 anos de experiência na articulação com diferentes atores, da sociedade civil, setor público, privado e multilaterais para promoção da equidade racial e de gênero na América Latina e Caribe.
Willians Menezes
He has a specialization in Fundamental Rights from the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCRIM) in partnership with the Faculty of Law of Coimbra / Portugal and holds a law degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2013). He is supervisor of the publications group of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences, where he is responsible for publishing the RBCCRIM - Brazilian Journal of Criminal Sciences (A1), the Collection of Monographs on Criminal Sciences and other books and periodicals.
Our team
Allyne Andrade
Founding Partner
Advogada mestre e Doutora em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo. Obtive também o título de LL.M (Master of Laws) na UCLA School of Law, com especialização em teoria crítica racial (2019) . É integrante do movimento de mulheres negras no Brasil e tem sua trajetória profissional e acadêmica ligada à direito e políticas públicas, direitos humanos, organizações da sociedade civil e movimentos sociais, teoria crítica racial, interseccionalidade, equidade racial e de gênero, diversidade e inclusão.
Gislene Aniceto
Financial administration
I'm a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.
Jorge Andrade
I'm a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.
Kajali Lima
Master in Social Work and Social Policy by the Graduate Program in Social Work and Social Policy at the Federal University of São Paulo. Unifesp - Baixada Santista (2016-2018). Graduated in Social Work at Unesp - Franca. Improvement in "Impacts of Violence on Health" by FIOCRUZ. He has a specialization in "Public Policy Management with an emphasis on Gender and Ethnoracial Relations" from the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP). It is part of GERESS - Study Group on Ethnoracial Relations and Social Work.
Lorraine Carvalho
Master's student in Human Rights from the Faculty of Law of USP. Post-graduated in Social Innovation Management from the Amani Institute (2018). Post-graduated in Economic Criminal Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2017). Postgraduate degree in Fundamental Rights from the Human Rights Center of the University of Coimbra in partnership with the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (2017). Graduated in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2015). Attorney. Executive coordinator of the II and III Research Congress on Criminal Sciences of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences - IBCCRIM. Member of the OAB-SP Racial Equality Commission and of the State Front for the São Paulo Descarceration. Researcher at the Center for Racial Justice and Law at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV Direito SP). Currently, Executive Secretary of Plataforma Dhesca Brasil.